Installation Notes

Install via Pip

g2g is written in Python. The best way to install g2g is via pip.

pip install grinder_to_graphite

pyyaml binaries

g2g depends on the pyyaml package. pyyaml tries to compile a (fast) binary yaml parser for you, using the python development libraries. On most systems, the Python development libraries are not installed by default, in which case the pyyaml installer falls back to using a pure Python parser implementation.

If you want to have the python development libraries in place to get the binary yaml parser, you can install them easily.

On debian-based systems, they can be installed like this.

sudo apt-get apt-get install python-dev

On Red-Hat based systems, you can get it like this.

yum install python-devel


Using virtualenv is not required. You can easily install g2g into your core Python environment. However, you will likely need to be an admin user to to this, or you will need to preface the pip command with sudo. In general, this is not the recommended approach.

Going with virtualenv, and installing g2g into its own environment is the recommended way to proceed.


g2g runs more than twice as fast on pypy as it does on standard cpython. If you will regularly be ingesting large amounts of data, consider installing pypy.

Generate Configuration File

Once pip has installed g2g, you will need to generate a g2g config file, and edit it to be suitable for your own environment. g2g comes with a command-line option to generate a sample config file

g2g -e

This will generate a file named ‘g2g.sample.yaml’ in the current directory which you can use as the basis for creating your own configuration.


There must be a running installation of Graphite on your network for g2g to forward data to. This g2g documentation does not cover the details on setting up and configuring Graphite. For more information on this topic, see the Graphite web site.